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Sherbrooke Lake Camp wishes to make camp accessible to all campers and families. To ensure this happens, we offer 3 tiers of camp fees - families/guardians choose which tier they prefer upon registration.
Upon registration, only a $100 deposit is required via Credit Card, ETransfer or Cheque.

Credit Cards
are accepted on our CampBrain Registration site
can be sent to
**Please indicate the camper name in the note so we can apply it on the account properly**
can be mailed to 
Sherbrooke Lake Camp c/o Denise Beaulieu
23 Silver Birch Dr
Hubley, NS B3Z 1A9

All fees must be paid by June 1st, 2025. 

Unless otherwise directed by Camp Council any cancellations after June 1st are nonrefundable, except with a doctor’s certificate or under special circumstances which will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Requests to change camp weeks will be accommodated when feasible based on available space. Refunds will not be issued in instances where a camper is removed from the camp program at the choice or request of the Camp Director, the camper (ie. Homesickness) or the camper’s parents/guardians.

The tier a family/guardian chooses is kept fully confidential by our Executive Director and the Board. This information is not shared with campers or summer staff and in no way influences the experience children receive. 
Tier 1: $495
Tier 1 is our "Pay it Forward" option. This allows parents/guardians who can to make a small contribution towards the registration fees of another family/guardian in need and to the increased costs of operating camp in 2025.

Tier 2: $450
Tier 2 is our unsubsidized option. This more accurately captures the cost of operating camp in 2025.

Tier 3: $410
Tier 3 is our partially subsidized option. This allows parents/guardians to pay a lower fee if they don't have the ability to pay the full cost of camp.  If you/your family needs more support than this, please keep scrolling for financial assistant options

** For Junior/Tadpole:
Tier 1: $335
Tier 2: $310
Tier 3: $265
Summer 2023 camp fee usage.png
What is the true cost of camp? In 2023, it cost about $640/week per camper. Sherbrooke Lake Camp relies on donations, grants, fundraising and off-season rentals to keep the costs of camp affordable for our families and communities. Thank you to our sister camp Kidston for their work on these numbers! Like Kidston, we have similar values:

"We believe in fair pay.  Non-profit summer camps in Nova Scotia are exempt from minimum wage requirements, and most pay weekly salaries.  Some summer camps in the province pay as little as $100/week.  Pay is an equity issue, and when summer camps do not pay their staff adequately, they limit who can afford to work at summer camp." 

Although we know we still have work to do, we have worked to increase the pay to our young and local staff members.  While we continue to fund numerous staff salaries through grants, this is the reason why our staffing cost is almost 50% of the camp fee.

For families/guardians who need a higher level of support than Tier 3 provides we encourage you to email our treasurers, Denise and Lorraine at their contact below. Our Send a Kid to Camp Campaign and many generous community organizations make it possible for many kids to attend camp who otherwise wouldn't be able to. 
Financial Assistance

Sherbrooke Lake Camp is proud to offer financial assistance to those who require a little extra help in making camp possible.

This includes:
Bursaries - This covers $100 towards your camper's registration fees
Camperships - There are 2 camperships at present that cover the full cost of camp for campers
A Camping Fund - A volume of funds available to help families cover the additional costs of camp like clothing, sleeping bags and supplies; Additionally there are amounts for Family Camp as well!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our treasurers Denise and Lorraine at
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